One of our surprising discoveries is the benefits of mulberry leaf tea, and we have tried to incorporate it into some of our products.
The leaves are full of polyphenol antioxidants, vitamin C, zinc, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. And they are known to lower our cholesterol, sugar level and inflammation, which are attributes that can lower our risks of cancer, heart diseases and diabetes.
In one study 23 people with high cholesterol when given a 280 mg of mulberry leaf supplements 3 times per day for 12 weeks found that their LDL (bad) cholesterol dropped by 5.6% while their HDL (good) cholesterol increased by 19.7%.
Furthermore animal studies found that this leaf may prevent atherosclerosis and reduce cellular damage and high blood pressure levels.
As mulberry leaf contains numerous anti-inflammatory compounds, including flavonoid antioxidants, frequent consumption of it can reduce chronic diseases. This has been proven in a test-tube study of human white blood cells where mulberry leaf extracts and its tea not only reduced inflammatory proteins but also significantly lowered DNA damage caused by oxidative stress.
That is why we want to introduce this incredible leaf to our customers in an easy-to-prepare format…as teas.
Find out more here.
Bon appetit and to good health!
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