The 3 main produce that are most probably genetically modified are the corn, canola and soy.
Currently, most genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are plants or animals that had their genetic code artificially manipulated so that they are now able to produce their own pesticides in their cells, essentially making the plants pesticide factories. And is is also common that some of them are also made to be resistant to weed pesticides that are sprayed around them. And these added genetic properties of the plants are also the valid reasons why GM food are also poisonous to our bodies.
In a 2-year series of studies on mice by GE Saralini and M Antoniou, where mice were fed with GM corn, they found that it causes various chronic diseases to the mice, particularly diseases in their livers and intestines. Other than that it also causes autoimmune disorder, cancer and accelerated aging.
The easiest way to avoid GM food is to get the food from your local farmers. Get to know them, ask them if they spray their crops with any pesticides or use any GM modified seeds.
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