Butterfly Pea Flower The Butterfly Pea Flowers has been used since ancient time as tea in South East Asia for its beautifying properties and its healing ability. And since then, it has been used in food, cosmetics and medicine. Research into this delicate flower reveals that it has high antioxidant…

The 3 main produce that are most probably genetically modified are the corn, canola and soy. Currently, most genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are plants or animals that had their genetic code artificially manipulated so that they are now able to produce their own pesticides in their cells, essentially making the…

One of our surprising discoveries is the benefits of mulberry leaf tea, and we have tried to incorporate it into some of our products. The leaves are full of polyphenol antioxidants, vitamin C, zinc, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. And they are known to lower our cholesterol, sugar level…